#Inktober 19–Sling

As those of you who follow me can tell, I ended up taking a bit of a break from Writober! However, I am slowly falling back into actually writing for the prompts. For now, have this prompt from the 19th~! (It’s for a story that I am working on titled ‘Protected by Elysium’)


“You’re sure this will help my arm?” Tristan still had tears on his cheeks as he asked the question. The young prince had fallen off of his horse while delivering food to the nearby villages–much to Elys’ dismay. He sat behind her on her horse, his uninjured arm wrapped tightly around her waist.

“It’s a sling, Your Highness. I had to make them for my brothers often when they were younger,” she said with as much patience as she could muster. Tristan had been peppering her with questions and complaints since the incident occurred. She was busy figuring out how she’d explain to the king that his son had ended up with a broken arm in her care. Royals were cruel, she knew from experience. She hoped it wouldn’t be too bad.

“You’re sighing an awful lot, Peter. What’s wrong?”

“I’m just thinking about how we’re going to tell your father that you were injured. He’ll have my head.”

“Oh, please,” Tristan laughed, “if anything, my father will be pleased that I was out doing something more than reading books. We’ll tell him I was trying to hunt.”

“You’re fine lying to the king like that?” Elys couldn’t keep the disbelief out of her voice. The king was the king, afterall.

“I’ve been lying to him for most of my life. This won’t be much different.” Elys felt Tristan shrug. “Anyways, he’ll probably just be thankful that you knew how to help me.”

“At least someone will be.” Elys muttered under her breath. Tristan, as in the past, still hadn’t thanked her. She shouldn’t have expected it, knowing that he was a prince but–.

“Oh, uh, also… Thank you. For the sling, and for letting me share your horse.”


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